It was Reininger family picture day today. Our wonderful and talented amiga, JenTraub, coaxed us way out of our comfort zone of the Northern Burbs. Past the PGBTP, past 635, past NW Highway. Heck, I figured we should have topped off the tank and popped in to see the folks in Austin we were so far south. But after we arrived in the urban jungle of Deep Ellum I started to feel at home. We have an area like this back in my hometown...good ol' 6th street.
Urban chic was the theme of the day. Weather was unseasonably warm for November. Anywhere but Texas that is. So much for the sweaters and pullovers my wife spent the last three weeks searching for. I brought my shorts and flip flops as an optional outfit but I was shot down on that one because these were supposed to be holiday photos. Humph!!!
Our lil' man was slow to warm up but after our photographer morphed into the blue power ranger she managed to coax smiles out while doing double round house kicks, dodging webs, and snapping away with utter skill. She truly is amazing.
Can't wait to see the results. I managed to snap a few of my own while Jen was doing her magic.