Just got back from our sonogram and now we know. We are having one of each...no doubt about it. This ends the 51 year drought of females in our family. Got great 3D pictures of the little girl's face and hands. The boy would only cooperate enough to let us see what we needed to see to know he was surely a boy. Men!!!
Now we can proceed with finalizing names and color schemes. Thank god the suspense is over but I cant believe we are well past half way.
So, first: Trey and I talked about this over lunch yesterday, and I TOTALLY CALLED the boy-girl thing. Just had to get that out of the way.
Second, I am so giddy-thrilled for y'all. Love how proud your son (YOUR. SON. Holy cow.) is to show off the goods. And your daughter: already too cute for words.
Third, as a gesture of goodwill and a welcome to the twins club, I offer you our list of dizygotic names that didn't quite make the cut. They're yours to use, for real or in jest.
Rufus and Chaka: tell me something good. Oh, yeah...
Him and Her: if it was good enough for LBJ's beagles...
Lemonjello and Oranjello: Trey will be happy to assist you with proper pronunciation.
Edith Eudora and Elvis Einstein: when in doubt, consider your personal heroes and heroines.
Jack and Jill: oh, nosy strangers LOVE this one.
Which reminds me: prepare yourselves to be asked one thousand times over, even when one is clearly clad in pink and the other in blue, "Oh, twins! Are they identical?"
CONGRATS and KUDOS and YIPPE-KI-YAY for y'all!!!
Thing 1 and Thing 2
Fric and Frac
Samson and Delilah (ooooh, fire)
Romeo and Juliet
But my favorite remains Blaine and Zaboomafoo.
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