Friday, February 22, 2008

My 5 heart stopping moments.

5. The first time my future wife and I discovered the electricity and chemistry that exists between us. It was a casual brush of hands under a blanket while watching a movie that ignited a spark we both felt. We both paused as they made contact and then interlocked fingers like a Jr. High couple in the back row of a movie theater. It was the first time I had felt that complete and total consumption and infatuation in years. It was casual contact to any outside observer but it led the first of what would be other subsequent heart palpitations

4. The moment that Debbie looked me in the eyes and layed her heart and soul on the block and said the words I had been wanting to say for quite a while. "I love you." She took the chance and the initiative in a new and unconventional relationship and sent caution to the wind. My hesitation in returning the volley was a direct result of trying to defibulate my stuttering heart. I finally managed to acknowledge the gesture and grasp her in one of the longest embraces I can ever remember.

3. February 27, 2007. We came to a stop and released our bindings at 10,800 feet above sea level to share a moment between the two of us. Officiated by an old soul and accompanied by the spirits that chose to gather we exchanged vows in our own way. It was not the altitude that gave me vertigo but the uttering of the words, "I do", that once again caused my ticker to misfire. I had made it this far with this amazing woman and without hesitation she committed to the promise of a union forever. Skiloping was a great idea.

2. July 30, 2007. While the plus sign on the stick was exciting, my fertile Myrtle, had proven that she was capable of making beautiful babies. We committed to trying to conceive and were elated but not surprised by the quick success. We went to our first appointment and were granted an early ultrasound. I had already run the gamut of possibilities and opportunities I would have with the addition of "a" new child in our life. I however, was not prepared for the casual announcement by the tech that there were two embryos. To this point I had never been shaken to the depths of my emotional foundation. Elation, apprehension, fear, and joy flooded my senses and everything, including my heart stood still for the longest moment. This revelation affected me for quite sometime and gave new boundaries to my imagination and what was in store.

1. February 20, 2008. A planned arrival. 72 hours to prepare for the arrival of the "expected." Plenty of time to collect myself for the greatest moment. This turned into the longest walk to the most intimidating operation room, followed by nerve wracking observation of the preliminary administration of instruction and anesthesia, only to be brought to a knee rattling, nail biting, ball of nervousness and anticipation. I never knew time, sensation, and reality could be suspended for that long. I lack the words to describe the period of time that existed between the appearance of the first one and then the second. The sound of the first cry to fill the room followed shortly by a second.

I tried to find a way to be in three places at once. With each of them and at her side. I held back tears because it clouded my view of the two beautiful children in front of me. I dare not yell for joy because the Doctor was still finishing his job. I tried my best to stay out of the way but I could not get the two of them in my arms fast enough. Nothing can prepare you for that moment.

When I returned to reality I realized one thing. All the fear and apprehension was gone and completely replaced with joy, love and opportunity.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievably sweet.

Also, it really struck me that you guys have been married less than a year. (really?!?!) I feel like I have known the two of you forever, and yet, I have only known you both as married. Isn't that weird? Weird.

Tina said...

As a casual observer of you and your wife's blogs, I just had to post and tell you that your post was inspiring and absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on your beautiful babies. I had a preemie that spent a few weeks in the NICU and know how draining that can be and how scary those spells can be. I will pray that you can bring those babies home soon!

No_Plain_Janes said...

Brandon--you have brought a spark to Debbie's eye that I have never seen in the short time I've known her. I'm so glad she found her lobster and that you will share your lives together and raise your 4...FOUR wonderful children together. Todd and I are so happy for you.....
