Wow! A week and a day. Here are some new pics from this morning. Due to a large number of deliveries at our little hospital the nursery ran out of cribs. They decided to co-bed the twins which really excited us. We had previously requested this but were denied due to the policy set by the Director. There have been many studies supporting both sides of this issue but we have noticed that neither one has had an apnea episode and Ella is now making it through an entire bottle and not having her food pushed through her feeding tube. They look so happay and content together.
brandon just wonted to say you have a set of beautiful babies. cant belive you had twins. enjoy every min. with them they grow way to fast.
love your cousin kathryn
here is my email adderess.
So stinkin' cute!!!
I need to work it out with the Posse (and my ridiculous schedule and calendar) when I can head up to meet them in person. Sometime in April, methinks.
Aw man, they are beyond adorable! Just gorgeous!!
Here's to no more A's or B's and getting them home soon!
Oh, so beautiful. Truly. And Deb - she looks amazing!!!!
They are absolutely perfect. Congrats.
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