Monday, January 21, 2008


The following is an announcement from the D.H.R.S.

The D.R.H.S. (Department of Reininger Homeland Security) has raised its state of readiness to DEFCON 3 after receiving Intel from Agent Eisenberg that, "A breach has been located in the critical stop gap that is containing the U.F.D. (Uncontrollable Fetal Duo)." While the gap is reported to only measure 1 cm this is grounds for concern considering the containment structure has shown exceptional strength and determination to not be breached even after 40 hours of intense effort from opposing forces. This is an ominous warning due to nature of this event and the double threat that is currently expected.

Be prepared for unexpected phone calls in the middle of the night. Keep cameras and video recorders charged and ready. Be sure to review and rehearse the call list if you have received one. Stay away from windows and doors. And never under any circumstances look directly at the blast. Please stay tuned to your local blog for further information and instructions.

This concludes this warning from the D.R.H.S. warning system.


Anonymous said...

EEEEK - getting close. So excited!

000 said...



anniemcq said...

OMG! Are they here yet?